Friday, October 12, 2012

All in God's Time

Lately I've felt like I missed the boat. Like I missed out on what God had planned for my life. When I was sixteen God called me to go on a mission trip to Costa Rica. While there He called me to be a missionary.  That was twelve years ago and when I think about it now it feels like a life time ago. I know that is what I'm supposed to do, that is my calling from God. So here I sit with three kids eight and younger wondering how it will ever happen. How will I fulfill my calling to be a missionary? I have a hard time finding someone to watch the kids so me and my husband can have a date night once every few months. I was reading When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado and in the first chapter he wrote something that blew my mind. Moses was eighty years old when God talked to him through the burning bush. Eighty!! I'm only twenty-eight and I thought there was no way I'd ever fulfill God's calling for my life. Wow!! Sometimes its funny how little faith we have in God's plans. I know I'm supposed to be a mother, but somehow I forgot how God works everything for good. Even when we see no way out of our current situation God does. He saw it before we were born, before He even formed the earth. He knew me, He knew you.